As an employer, you want sick staff to return to work as soon as possible. For physical complaints, the recovery period usually takes up to 6 weeks. Is it taking longer? Then it is good to investigate which blockages are hindering the recovery. The osteopath helps with this.
Blockage Removal
People who are ill at home usually want to get back to work again as quickly as possible. However, due to blockages in the body, they’re physical complaints persist. Together with you and your employee, Esther Verstraten sets out a plan to find and remove these blockages. Your employee will then be back at work quicker.
Plan of Action ‘Healthy at Work’
Every body is different, so the plan of action is determined on the basis of an individual examination. The constituent steps are:
- An intake interview, 3 treatments and an evaluation
The employer pays the first 3 treatments, and the employee pays for the remainder via their health insurance.
Help your staff return to work quickly. Make an appointment to discuss the options.
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